Breathing to Calm Yourself:
Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Simple, Quick, and Easy to Remember Methods

Many nights, when I lay down my heart is racing and my chest is extremely tight and uncomfortable. This makes me waste hours staring into the darkness.

Sometimes this is from my poor diet consisting of way too much sugar. Other times it’s from doing too much late computer work before bed sitting in the same position for hours, but most the time it’s life stress causing anxiety.

Rather than write up some big article on this I’ll just get right to the point.

A quick relief for this feeling that you can do anywhere – especially in bed or waiting at a traffic light – is called box breathing.
I prefer to call it Timed Breathing

It’s very simple:

  • Inhale calmly through your nose (preferred) for 3-5 seconds.
  • Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds.
  • Exhale calmly through your mouth for 3-5 seconds
  • Repeat this 3 or more times

It’s that easy. I do it 5 seconds for each.
Sometimes I use this method or my Mantra Meditation to fall asleep quickly.
Other times I use a self hypnosis method.

Some more products that are helpful when it comes to breathing and calming :Link